GOBA Town Meeting announcement:

The Great Ohio Bicycling Adventure will be bringing 3,000 riders to stay overnight in London in a few short months.  To help prepare London to accommodate this sudden on-rush of people looking for a place to stay, food to eat, and some entertainment is the purpose of the London Town Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 8th at 7 pm in the Madison County Senior Citizens Center’s day-care room.

Julie Van Winkle, GOBA Director, and Wayne Roberts, London Town Coordinator, will be on hand to give an overview of the event and its potential impact on London.  Friends of Madison County Parks and Trails members that helped with the 2002 GOBA stay over in London will be available to answer questions.

Area officials, local police, firemen and EMS representatives, area restaurant managers, B&B owners, hospital representatives, local churches and non-profit organizations interested in providing meals, Scout Troops, High School representatives, London Strawberry Festival representatives, potential volunteers, and local residents interested in learning more about this event are encouraged to attend the meeting.  There will be some discussion of the Core Committees such as: Campground Logistics, Transportation, Emergency Planning, Housing, Food, Entertainment, and Information.    These committees will start meeting regularly to start detail planning and preparations for the event scheduled for Friday, June 23rd.  Volunteers are needed for the various committees as well as interested church groups and organizations to help make this a successful event.

If you have questions about GOBA but cannot make the February 8th meeting, contact Wayne Roberts at FMCPT@columbus.rr.com or leave a message at 740-852-8623.