Camping in Madison County, Ohio


Be part of the solution, support your local parks and trails!

Join Friends of Madison County Parks and Trails and get involved!

Be the eyes and ears of you local law enforcement agency and become a Trail Sentinel

Support your local Safe Routes to School program and Active Transportation plan

Watch for over 30 species of birds along the trail

Young boys learning what service means during a Boy Scout clean-up day

Annual July Wild Flower tour - watch local naturalist identify rare endangered species of native plants along the trail

Find that perfect photo shot!

Learn community service at a tender age by joining your local 4-H Club

Enjoy and support the greenway corridor stretching across Madison County. Opened for walkers, joggers, cyclists, in-line skaters, bird watchers, nature lovers, cross-country skiers, senior citizens, families, physically challenged, and other non-motorized users.

Trails provide a safe area for families to walk, ride bikes, or recreate away from automobile and commercial truck traffic. Attractive views, open space, and alternative transportation routes significantly increase values and improve marketability of nearby properties.

A mile of trail can generate up to $110,000 per year in economic benefits from an initial average investment of $100,000 per mile to acquire, engineer, and pave trail land according to the Ohio Rails to Trails Conservancy.

Trail access helps retain area businesses and attract new investments along with opening up business opportunities and resources for tourism and other commercial activities.

How Can You Help?

Contact your local government officials, friends, and neighbors, and tell them you support the local parks and trails. Make a tax-deductible contribution to help create and maintain a thriving trail. Join the Friends of Madison County Parks and Trails!

Your donations and membership contributions will help FMCPT develop and maintain the trail across the county. Since FMCPT is a tax-exempt organization, your donations are tax deductible.

Annual Individual Membership - $15

Lifetime Individual Membership - $250

Annual Family Membership - $25

Annual Sponsor Membership - $50 and more

Fill out the Membership Registration below,
make checks payable to "FMCPT", and mail to:

Friends of Madison County Parks and Trails
P.O. Box 308
London, Ohio 43140

Click for a printable Registration Form

(Click on the form for a printable pdf form)

Annual Membership Letter

PayPal now available

  • We now offer PayPal as a convenient and secure option for purchasing memberships.
  • When you click on the "Buy Membership" button on our website, you will be taken to the secure PayPal website to complete your transaction.
  • You are NOT required to have a PayPal account - you can use your major credit card. This is the link you will click when you get to that point in the process:
  • You will be returned to our site when your transaction is completed.
  • You (and fmcpt) will receive a confirmation email from PayPal regarding the transaction.