2010 News Archives
Hello Friends......... Each year at this time we kick off our annual membership drive. This important activity establishes the base for much of our communication sharing for the coming year and serves as a source of operating revenue. Individual membership dues are $10. Family membership dues are $20. Sponsor-level memberships are available for a generous contribution of $50 or more. Friends of Madison County Parks and Trails is a non-profit 501c3 organization, so membership dues are tax deductible. For your convenience, click here to print off a membership form and mail it with your check to: FMCPT, P.O. Box 308, London, OH 43140. |
Friends............ As most of you know, London will be one of the stay
over towns during GOBA 2011. Since 2011 is London's bicentennial year, we
are especially delighted to have GOBAville come to town! As you can imagine,
taking care of food, showers, entertainment, and sleeping needs for 2,500
cyclists is a big job. If you would like to participate in helping make
this the best GOBA visit to London yet, please give us a call at: 614-205-6754
or email at fmcpt@columbus.rr.com . Most of our London host-town Committee
Chairpersons have been selected, but if you would like to help in any of
the committees they are as follows: Information, Campground Logistics, Transportation,
Housing, Food, Entertainment, and Emergency Planning. Your energy and ideas
would be most appreciated, and you will have an enjoyable time working with
a great group of volunteers and visiting cyclists. |
Our Annual Membership Drive is underway for 2011, and the date has been selected for our Annual Membership Meeting. Click here for more information.
Friends........ Please note a new multi-purpose trail opened in London last
Monday that is parallel to the new Keny Boulevard extension. This makes
a convenient and safe route from the London School campus to the shopping
and restaurant area. A big plus for our GOBA friends since many of them
will be staying at the London High School this June. |
Hello Friends............. Join us for some fun at the Old Fashion Christmas in London this Monday evening. We'll be serving free "rails to trails" cookies and hot chocolate outside the City Council Chamber and showing our trail corridor vision sketches inside the building. The event kicks off at 5:30 p.m. with the "Lights of Love" ceremony at Madison County Hospital followed by Santa's arrival at Cowling Park. Take a horse carriage ride downtown and enjoy the sites on your way to our exhibit on E. 2nd St. Hope to see you there!
Dear Friends........... Come join us to celebrate the opening of the new Roberts Pass Trailhead in London this Thursday at 3 p.m. This flyer will give you additional details.
Since the parking area is small and there will be a demonstration on the pervious pavers, no parking will be available at the trailhead during the ribbon cutting ceremony. Passengers can be dropped off at the trailhead entrance and cars may be parked at the rear of Gee's China Lantern at 165 E. Center. Parking is also available at the open field on the west side of Maple Street at E. Center Street. Also, the London Baptist Church gave permission to park at their church at 140 S.R. 665. The trailhead can be accessed by walking or riding a bike from the trail entrance at Maple Street (about 0.2 mi.). From the London Baptist Church, take the trail at the back of the church property and walk or ride a bike west on the trail (about 0.4 mi.).
Come see sketches of a vision for the trail corridor on display at the ceremony. Refreshments will be available, and an information tent with volunteers to answer questions.
Hope to see your there. FMCPT Board of Directors
Hello Friends........ Join us for the last Full-Moon ride of the year on Saturday, Oct. 23rd.
Come help us celebrate the completion of the new Roberts Pass Trailhead on the east side of London on Thursday, Oct. 28th at 3 p.m. Click here for more details.
The new trailhead is the first phase of a vision to bring together several parts to form the future London Nature Preserve. Rod Arter, a Design Illustrator from Delaware, Ohio, was able to capture a mental image of the area in several artistic color sketches. Click here to view some of his drawings that give an overview of the concept of the project.
Hello Friends........ Check out the batteries in your headlight for tomorrow's Full-Moon Ride! We'll meet at the Prairie Grass Trailhead at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 23rd.
On Saturday, Oct. 2nd we will have a little different type of ride. It's intended to be an introductory ride for beginning level cyclists of all ages. We will meet near the Choctaw Lake Lodge at 9 a.m. to start a 3, 5, & 10-mile ride. Ride the full ten miles around the subdivision, or stop when you're ready. We'll have refreshments after the ride. This is the opportunity to bring along your kids, grandkids, grandma & grandpa, significant other, or anyone else that would like to ride a safe shorter route. Experienced riders are welcome to come along and help coach and encourage our less experienced friends.
The new Roberts Pass Trailhead will soon be constructed along Center Street in London. We are planning a ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday, Oct. 28th at 3 p.m. We hope you can stop by to check out this new facility, and see sketches of the future nature preserve area nearby.
Hello Friends..... The recent Family Fun Bike Fest was well staffed with a good program. Many thanks to all the volunteers that worked hard to put this event together. The attendance was low, but for those that did participate their feedback was excellant and hoped that we will put on such an event again next year. Pictures from the event can be seen here.
Many thanks to those who participated in the Family Fun Bike Fest! We're asking that you click here to fill out a survey about the experience.
Hello Friends..... The big day is almost here! This Saturday, August 21st, 10 a.m - 2 p.m. FMCPT will be sponsoring a Family Fun Bike Fest! This event is especially geared for families, so bring your kids and all your bikes! We will have a bike safety inspection, safe riding instructions, helmets will be given away to children that pass the inspection and need a helmet, there will be a bike rodeo, a scavanger hunt along the trail, free lunch, and games. You can print off a registration form and either send it in, or bring it with you to the event on Saturday. If you can't print the form, just come on Saturday and we can take care of registration there. The event will be behind the London Baptist Church at 1440 State Route 665 just east of London. Follow the signs for parking next to the church.
Come prepared to have fun for the whole family!
Hope to see you there,
The Board of Directors
Friends of Madison County Parks and Trails
Hello Friends..... With all the hot weather this summer, perhaps you would like to join us at an Ice Cream Social in London at Cowling Park this Sunday, August 15th, 2 - 5 p.m. There seems to be a natural connection between cycling and ice cream, so here's an opportunity for both! Ride your bike there, then enjoy some great ice cream!
In a few days, on Saturday, August 21st, 10 a.m - 2 p.m. FMCPT will be sponsoring a Family Fun Bike Fest! This will be an enjoyable family event so bring your kids and grandkids along with all their bikes!
For an interesting evening, come join us on the Full Moon Ride on Friday, August 27th at 8 p.m. (The Trail Sentinels annual appreciation picnic will be prior to the ride.)
The popular OX Roast Bicycle Tour will be on Sunday, September 5th.
Help raise funds for some worthy causes while having fun at the 3rd Annual Kenton Caper on Saturday, September 11th.
Enjoy a day at the Ruth I. Bentley Memorial Ride on Sunday, September 12th sponsored by the Simon Kenton Pathfinders.
Hello Friends..... The summer is moving right along so mark your calendar for some fun upcoming events:
Tuesday, August 10th - A relaxing Evening Ride. Meet at the London trailhead at 7 p.m.
Saturday, August 21st - The first London Family Fun Bike Fest. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the shelter house behind the London Baptist Church.
Friday, August 27th - Full Moon Ride. Meet at the London trailhead at 8 p.m.
Sunday, September 5th - The 21st Annual OX ROAST BICYCLE TOUR. Meet at the West Jefferson High School from 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Saturday, September 11th - 3rd Annual Kenton Caper. Meet in Springfield per the three ride options.
Thursday, September 23rd - Full Moon Ride.
Join our friends from Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks at their "Night Bike Ride and Meteors" program Thursday, Aug. 12 at Glacier Ridge Metro Park.
Hello Friends....... Please join us at the Madison County Bicentennial Ceremony on Saturday, July 3rd from 1 - 3 p.m. in Cowling Park on State Route 56 on the north side of London. In addition to the ceremony, there will several other activities going on including displays of antique fire trucks, cars, and bicycles. Several time capsule items will be on display along with local artist Harry Croghan's drawing of the Madison County and London Bicentennial Monument which will be constructed next year at the new Bicentennial Park during London's celebration.
Hello Friends............. Come out and enjoy a relaxing time after work at our first Evening Ride on Tuesday, June 8th at 7 pm at the London Trailhead behind the Madison County Senior Citizens Center. (See our Calendar of Upcoming Events for more details.)
If you have not pre-registered for the Strawberry Festival Bicycle Tour, don't worry! Just come to the registration table on Saturday morning at the London Trailhead. Click here for more details.
The next Full-Moon Ride is scheduled for 6/25 at 8 p.m. Click here for more details.
FMCPT will be hosting a special collaborative ride with our sister "Friends" groups along the Little Miami Trail and the Simon Kenton Trail on Saturday, July 10th at 9:00 a.m. starting at the London Trailhead. Come join us for a fun, learning ride and "get to know" those incredible volunteers that keep these trails going. We will ride parts of the Ohio to Erie Trail east of London, feature brief stops at the Madison County State Park, the Madison County Historical Museum, the Gallery On High art museum, and enjoy lunch together at the Perkins Family Restaurant in London. (Send an email to FMCPT@columbus.rr.com if you would like to attend so we can get a count for Perkins.)
Don't forget the Delaware County Community Ties Bicycle Tour on July 24th. Additional details and a registration form are available here.
The first Family Fun Bicycle Fest will be on Saturday, August 21st along the Ohio to Erie Trail behind the London Baptist Church on State Route 665 just east of London. Click here for more details and a registration form.
The popular West Jefferson Ox Roast Bicycle Tour is coming up on Sunday, September 5th. You don't want to miss this enjoyable rural country roads tour. For more details and a registration form, click here.
Hello Friends.......... Don't forget our first Full-Moon ride of the season on Wednesday, May 26th at 8 pm. We start at the London Trailhead and go west on the Prairie Grass Trail.
Come see us at our booth at the Madison County Motor-Heads Car Show on Saturday, June 5th 11-2 pm. The car show will be in the London K-Mart parking lot. Looks like a fun event sponsored by Madison County Vineyard.
Our first Evening Ride is scheduled for Tuesday, June 8th at 7 pm. This ride is intended as a relaxing after-work stress release. The ride starts at the London Trailhead and returns before dark.
The annual Strawberry Festival Bicycle Tour will be here shortly! If you haven't done so already, print out a registration form and send it in today to reserve your spot for a fun family tour!
Hello Friends...... Don't forget to mark your calendar and come out to visit us at the following events:
May 1st at the Chamber's Community Expo:
We'll have a display set up outside the London Elementary School with an antique display showing a "bone shaker", a high wheeler, and various unusual bikes. We'll also have people available to answer your safety and maintenance questions. Inside we'll have literature available about upcome events, volunteers to talk about Safe Routes to Schools, and information on new construction projects.
June 12th - the Strawberry Festival Bicycle Tour:
Come join us for a fun ride on some pretty country roads and multi-purpose trails! Enjoy the scenery at your pace and watch for some of the rarest wild flowers in the world. Study the wild life section of the FMCPT website before hand and see how many native birds and plants you can identify!
August 21st - bring the whole family to the Family Fun Bike Fest:
Enjoy a day of fun with your loved ones with games, a bike rodeo, door prizes, food, bike rides, etc. behind the London Baptist Church. Learn bike safety tips and how to do simple repair jobs along the road or trail. If you haven't been on the Roberts Pass section of the Ohio to Erie Trail, now is a great time to come and see the various sites along the way.
Hello Friends........ For those of you that are working on your 2010 bike touring calendar, please keep in mind our 7th Annual Strawberry Festival Bicycle Tour planned for Saturday, June 12th. If you rode it last year, you will be receiving an information packet in the mail shortly. If you didn't and want more information, click here.
Hello Friends...... A little cabin fever after the latest snow storms?! Come join us for breakfast and a silent auction at the Madison County Senior Citizens Center this Saturday between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. It will be a fun morning that includes an antique bicycle display and an opportunity to see the new Giant Cypress commuter bicycle that will be raffled at the Family Fun Bicycle Fest in August!
Also, if you haven't renewed your 2010 membership, please click here do so.
(5:36am) Friends....... Due to the weather conditions, the Pancake and Sausage Breakfast scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 6th has been rescheduled for Saturday, Feb. 13th. Same time and place. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Sincerely, FMCPT Staff
Hello Friends...... The Annual Membership Meeting will be this Wednesday, January 20th at 7:00 p.m. at the Madison County Senior Citizens Center (east entrance). Jeff Stephens from Consider Biking will be the guest speaker. Light refreshments will be available, so come join us for an enjoyable meeting.
Mark your calendar for our annual fundraiser Pancake and Sausage Breakfast on Saturday, February 6th from 7 a.m - 11 a.m.. Raffle tickets will be sold for a new Giant Cypress bicycle that will be drawn later in the year. There will be a silent auction during the breakfast as well. All proceeds will be split with the Madison County Senior Citizens Center. This is a great way to treat the whole family to a hearty breakfast and help your community at the same time!
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