Here we feature our collection of map links, starting with our local Madison County links, the Ohio to Erie Trail,
and moving on to Central Ohio, Southern Ohio and Northern Ohio. (See map print tip at bottom of page.)
(Please contact us if you have any map links that you would like us to include.)
The Ohio to Erie Trail
Ohio to Erie Trail maps can be viewed here on their website.
Printed maps covering all 300 miles of The Ohio to Erie Trail are free and can be ordered here by paying shipping and handling of $2.75 per map kit. Each of the four maps is 8 by 25 inches, folded into six panels, featuring a map, mileage, and a written description of the trail section. (Click here for tips for reading the new maps)
In addition to these hard-copy maps, the IGotABike Ohio to Erie Trail Guide Version 2 is still available. Winner of the 2013 RUBY award for the most innovative mobile applications presented by the Ohio Travel Association, it is a downloadable interactive document that you can take with you on the trail on your digital device.
London / Madison County
Central Ohio
East Central Region
Southern Ohio
Northern Ohio
Northeast Region
Regional Map Sources