2005 News Archives
FMCPT Trail Sentinels.......... On Wednesday, December 14 at 6:30 pm there will be a Trail Sentinel meeting to be held at the Hurt-Battelle Memorial Library, 270 Lilly Chapel Rd, West Jefferson.
We will be discussing and demonstrating how members can log onto the sentinels Yahoo calender. Hopefully Mike O'Reily will have a sample of the vest we have proposed in from the vender. Tools will be distributed to members that have completed all the training requirements. Ray Gonzalez will review the status of the members training courses.
All members are encouraged to attend and if you know of anyone that is interested in participating in this program please invite them to come. I look forward to seeing you all on the 14th.
Best regards, Rodger Lynch
Excellent coverage of the Prairie Grass Trail can be found on the Madison Soil and Water Conservation District website link: Prairies in Ohio.
The Full Moon Bike Tour for August has been scheduled! A PRE-RIDE POTLUCK SOCIAL WILL START AT 7:00pm AT THE SHELTER HOUSE.
Jack McDowell conducted a "Nature Ride" on the Prairie Grass Trail on Saturday, July 30.
RSVP Summer Newsletter features our Trail Sentinel Program. The Friends of Madison County Parks and Trails are sponsoring a kick off meeting on Saturday, August 13 at 10:00am at the Prairie Grass Trailhead Shelter located behind the Madison County Senior Center.
After a very busy spring and summer, new photos have been added to the following photo galleries:
Madison Press Community Briefs:
The 16th Annual Ox Roast Bicycle Tour will take place in West Jefferson on Sunday, September 4, 2005.
The Buck Creek Trail in Springfield has scheduled opening ceremonies on Saturday, June 25.
FirstMerit Bank has been a loyal supporter of the Friends of Madison County Parks and Trails. Please help to make their bake sale a success for the benefit of all Madison County children.
Madison Press advertisement:
3rd Annual Public Auction (A special thanks to our sponsors for the ad: Hankins & Associates, Crain Construction, and Wilson Printing & Graphics.)
The Madison Soil and Water Conservation District will be installing a "Rain Garden" at the Senior Center trailhead on Wednesday, May 18.
Madison Messenger Community Calendar:
CPR Classes
Vacation packages have been donated to FMCPT Auction by Meridian Travel Services!!
FMCPT photographs will be on display at Senior Center during the month of May. Click here to view the April display of miniature bicycles.
The Ohio Rails to Trails Conservancy website has developed a new "Events Calendar" to help publicize bicycle-related events across the state.
Madison Press article:
Think while you're out on the road
(With the arrival of Spring, this letter to the editor written seven years ago by FMCPT member Rodger Lynch outlines critical safety guidelines for bicyclists and motorists.)
New maps posted on the website, and soon to be posted at the information kiosk at the Senior Center Trailhead:
The fmcpt photo display that ran in Buckleys in January is now available for viewing on our website.
Madison Messenger news brief:
Trail work days scheduled for every Saturday through the month of March.
Please help to make our membership drive a success. Click here to become a member of FMCPT.
Signs have arrived for the Prairie Grass Trail trailhead entrance, and are scheduled to be installed before spring. Click here to view a photo.
Madison Press news brief:
Projects earn funding
(Please read an FMCPT clarification posted at the end of the article.)
Mark your calendars for our Annual Membership Meeting, which will take place on Wednesday, January 19 at 7:00pm at the Madison County Senior Center at 280 West High Street in London.
Monthly newsletter released by Columbus Outdoor Pursuits, featuring coverage of recent and future activities in London.
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