Trail Work Days
Jack McDowell, a land management coordinator for Franklin County Metro Parks, has identified and prioritized areas along the trail corridor where clearing and grubbing should take place to remove overgrowth, poison ivy and other invasive species. This will give some of the rare and endangered prairie plants a chance to regenerate themselves.
Our window of opportunity to complete the project is from Saturday, February 26 through Saturday, April 2. Volunteers are needed to help with the process. Chain saws and heavy-duty weed whackers would be most helpful.
We will be meeting each Saturday in March at 9:00 am at the trailhead at the Madison County Senior Center, 280 West High Street in London. If you have questions, please contact us at
or at 740-852-7833.
Photos courtesy of John E. Silvius
Professor of Biology,
Cedarville University