A friend, nature advocate, and community leader has moved on. Jack McDowell died peacefully with family members on Friday afternoon, July 20, 2012.
Jack has been involved with the work of parks and trails for decades. He was researching and identifying wildflowers and prairie grasses along the Prairie Grass Trail long before the idea of the Ohio to Erie Trail was born. Jack was a key proponent of the trailheads and nature preserves in Madison County. He was an early member of Friends of Madison County Parks and Trails and retained a seat on its Board of Directors until his death.
Those of us who have known and worked with Jack feel the loss of his passing, while at the same time; treasure the joy of our experiences with him. He so willingly shared his abundant knowledge of nature and the physical world with generations of people in the community. He worked hard to preserve native species for everyone to see and experience. Jack touched the hearts of many, and he will be missed.
We hope you enjoy the following collection of articles and photographs in Jack's memory.